New Information Resource On Prostate Cancer
Released on = October 4, 2006, 1:23 pm
Press Release Author = Gina Reay
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting 1 in every 6 males. In it\'s early stages, prostate cancer has few symptoms and many of the symptoms associated with this disease are also symptoms found in other less serious illnesses.
Press Release Body = Eugene, OR. October 7, 2006 -- Every day 100s if not 1000s of men are diagnosed with prostate problems. If not identified early can lead to prostate cancer. This is a growing problem for the male population but can be successfully treated if identified in a timely fashion.
\"The uncontrolled growth of cells around the outer region of the prostate, which gives rise to the development of a malignant tumor, is called prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is common among American males. Over 250,000 cases are diagnosed in the United States every year.
Early signs of prostate cancer are difficult to detect. Symptoms only set in once the tumor spreads. Change in urination habits with increased frequency or dribbling are the first signs of prostate cancer. The cancer may spread from the prostate to nearby lymph nodes, bones or other organs, leading to a condition called metastasis. As a result, some men experience back pain. Once the cancer spreads beyond the prostate it is difficult to cure.
The growth of prostate cancer is relatively slow and may not be detected for many years. It also takes longer to spread beyond the prostate. However, a small percentage of patients experience more rapidly growing, aggressive forms of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, it is difficult to know for sure which prostate cancers will grow slowly and which will grow aggressively; this further complicates treatment decisions.\"
In the case of prostate cancer in particular we are told that in the coming year so many thousand men will find out that they are afflicted with the disease and another number also in thousand, will succumb to it, some of them unnecessarily. These numbers are significant in as much as they indicate the extent and trend of the disease. But how meaningful are they to an individual? Can he benefit from this knowledge? We can put the answer to these questions also in terms of numbers - fifty for yes fifty for no. There are no known precautions that a man can take to ward off the disease. One can have regular tests and examinations to insure early detection that would help in deciding the course of treatment. But early detection by itself is no guarantee for cure. As long as a person is not a confirmed patient these numbers are impersonal like the statistics on the number of people dead or likely to die in traffic accidents in a given period. If you would like more information on prostate cancer please visit
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Contact Details = R&R InfoSystems, Co.,, 800-863-4592, P.O. Box 7427, Eugene, OR. 97401
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